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And that's a wrap!

I had such a blast this summer learning new things!

I learned so much new code and applied it in so many ways. As you may have seen from my last post I was in the process of building a website to provide access to the AWAIR data. It is now live!! If you'd like to check it out then navigate to the Indoor Air Quality tab located above this post and please read all the helpful information Deanna put on the page. Then, click on "Go to the Data" and you'll see my page! I am over the moon excited to have made a website! I never thought it possible. I can't wait for people to interact with it!

Other fun things I've learned this summer is how to effectively use animations in powerpoint. I never bothered to play with the animations pane before this summer and now I kind of wish I had. I've learned how to make graphics that move! It's like little personalized movie clips inside of Powerpoint. Deanna has helped all of us become semi-pros at using the animations. However, Deanna herself is the master. Thanks to her, my presentations are engaging and I can explain scientific concepts better.

I'm very grateful for the experience I've had this summer, and I can't wait to continue on this project for my senior experience! If you reader, are wondering about joining Professor Donohoue's lab, stop wondering now. Apply and join her lab you will not regret it.

- Glorielly

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